Anonymous, Interregnal or Commemorative Coinage
AR Denarius

RIC 9, C 396 Denarius Obv: BONEVENT - Woman's head right.
Rev: ROMARENASC - Roma standing right, holding Victory and scepter. 68-69 (Spain). $400 9/24/03.

RIC 34, BMC 6, C 398 Denarius Obv: No legend Exe: ROMA - Roma seated left, stepping on helmet, holding Victory and parazonium.
Rev: PAX - Hands, in handshake, grasping caduceus and grain ears; SP QR across fields. 68-69 (Spain).

RIC 54, C 414 Denarius Obv: MARSVLTOR - Mars advancing right, aiming javelin and holding shield.
Rev: No legend - SPQR within wreath. 68-69 (Gaul). $700 9/24/03.

RIC 72, C 420 Denarius Obv: SALVSGENERISHVMANI - Victory standing leftt on globe, holding wreath and palm.
Rev: SPQR - Legend in one line within oak wreath. [Issued by an unknown general during the Civil War]. March - May 68 (Gaul).

RIC 73b, C 421 Denarius Obv: SALVSGENERISHVMANI - Victory standing right on globe, holding palm and wreath.
Rev: SPQR - Legend in one line within oak wreath. [Issued by an unknown general during the Civil War]. March - May 68 (Gaul).

RIC 118, BMC 61, BN 71, C 359 (Galba) Denarius Obv: FIDES/EXERCITVVM - Hands, in handshake.
Rev: CONCORDIAPRAETORIANORVM - Concordia standing left, holding branch and cornucopia. c.69 (Gaul).

RIC 121, BMC 65, BN 75, C 363 (Galba) Denarius Obv: FIDES/EXERCITVVM - Hands, in handshake.
Rev: FIDES/PRAETORIANORVM - Hands, in handshake. c.69 (Gaul).
AR Siliqua

Unlisted Half Siliqua Obv: No legend - Eight pointed star.
Rev: No legend - Wreath. [This mysterious issue is known to have been minted circa 330. It can be speculated that the symbolism of the star taken in conjunction with the year is meant to commemorate the recently deceased Helena (Constantine's mother). See RIC 50 under Helena for comparison.]

Unlisted RIC, Vagi 3051 Half Siliqua Obv: No legend - Helmeted Constantinople, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: Large K. [This unlisted type is probably associated with a donative commemorating the founding of Constantinople shortly after the year 330 and minted in Rome].

Unlisted RIC, Vagi 3052 Third of Siliqua Obv: No legend - Diademed, draped bust right, wearing necklace of pearls
Rev: No legend - Large K within beaded border. [The portrait on this coin is almost certainly that of Helena, Constantine I's mother. The issue was probably struck in memoriam]. c.330 (Constantinopolis).

Unlisted Third of Siliqua Obv: No legend - Helmeted Constantinople, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: Large R. [This unlisted type is probably associated with a donative commemorating the founding of Constantinople shortly after the year 330 and minted in Rome].
AE Sestertius

RIC V 2, C 334 Sestertius Obv: GENIVSPR - Genius radiate head right.
Rev: No legend - Wreath, INT/VRB over large SC. c.260's (Rome).
AE Tessera

C 94 Tessera Obv: No legend - Augustus radiate head left.
Rev: No legend - V Wreath, XV within.

Unlisted Tessera Obv: No legend - Erotic scene atop bed.
Rev: No legend - V within wreath. c.14-34. $3,250 4/1/01.

Unlisted Tessera Obv: No legend - Cuirassed bust of Germanicus right, scepter over left shoulder, within linear frame; all within wreath.
Rev: No legend - IIII within beaded border surrounded by wreath. c.22-37. $500 4/1/01.

Unlisted Tessera Obv: No legend - Laureate head of Tiberius left, lituus before, within linear frame; all within wreath.
Rev: No legend - IIII within beaded border surrounded by wreath. c.22-37. $350 4/1/01.

Unlisted Tessera Obv: No legend - Laureate head of Tiberius left, within beaded frame; all within wreath.
Rev: No legend - VI within beaded border surrounded by wreath. c.22-37. $200 4/1/01.

Unlisted Tessera Obv: No legend - Head of Livia left.
Rev: No legend - I within beaded border surrounded by wreath. c.34-37. $500 4/1/01.

Unlisted Tessera Obv: No legend Exe: FEL - Augustus laureate head right.
Rev: No legend - Wreath, VI within.

Unlisted Tessera Obv: No legend - Bare head of Augustus right, within linear frame; all within wreath.
Rev: No legend - VII within beaded border surrounded by wreath. c.34-37. $300 4/1/01.

Unlisted Tessera Obv: No legend - Bare head of Claudius left, star above; all within wreath.
Rev: No legend - II within wreath. c.50-54. $350 4/1/01.

C 2 (Drusilla) Tessera Obv: No legend - Apollo laureate head right.
Rev: No legend - XIIII.

Unlisted Tessera Obv: No legend - VL monogram.
Rev: No legend - Circular outline, blank within. c.1-100. $200 4/1/01.
AE Semis

RIC 35, C 30 Semis Obv: No legend - Bare head right.
Rev: No legend - Wreath, S C wihin.
AE Quadrans

RIC 5 (II), C 16 Quadrans Obv: No legend - Jupiter diademed head right with scepter behind.
Rev: Eagle perched right on thunderbolt; S C across fields. c.80-160.

RIC 7 (II) Quadrans Obv: No legend - Minerva helmeted bust right.
Rev: Owl standing left; S C across fields. c.90-160.

RIC 19 (II), C 26 Quadrans Obv: No legend - Mars helmeted, cuirassed bust right.
Rev: No legend - Cuirass; S C across fields. c.81-161. $100 5/21/03.

RIC 21 (II), C 32 Quadrans Obv: No legend - Mars helmeted, cuirassed bust right.
Rev: No legend - Cuirass; S C across fields. c.81-161.

RIC 36 (II), C 2 Quadrans Obv: No legend - Rhinoceros left.
Rev: No legend - Branch; S C across fields. c.81-161.

BMC anecdotal (p.412 #7) Quadrans Obv: No legend - Two horseshoes.
Rev: TRIVMP - Branch; S C across fields. c.81-96.

RIC 1016 (Hadrian), C 1514 Quadrans Obv: ROMA - Roma helmeted, draped bust right.
Rev: DARDANICI - Ceres(?) standing left, holding grain ears and raising skirt. c.100-140.

Unlisted Quadrans Obv: No legend - Pegasus seated left, wheel to left.
Rev: No legend - Tripod; S C across fields.
AE Medallion Constantinople Commemoratives

RIC 303 (VII, Rome) AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped bust right, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: Victory seated left, stepping on galley prow, holding branch and cornucopia. 340-347 (Rome).

RIC 336 AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: Wolf standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus; two stars above. 340-347 (Rome).
AE3 Constantinople Commemoratives (Constantinopolis)

RIC 27 (VIII Alexandria), LRBC 1444 AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLI - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No legend Exe: SMAL
• - Victory standing left on galley prow, holding spear and shield. 337-340 (Constantinopolis).

RIC 63 (VII, Constantinople) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLI - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No legend Exe: CONS
- Victory standing left on galley prow, holding spear and shield. 330-333 (Constantinopolis).

RIC 79 (VII, Constantinople) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLI - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No legend Exe: CONS
• - Victory standing left, stepping on galley prow, cradling scepter and resting hand on shield. 333-335 (Constantinopolis). $4 9/20/03.

RIC 86 (VII, Constantinople) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLI - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No legend Exe: •CONS
• - Victory standing left, stepping on galley prow, cradling scepter and resting hand on shield. 330-333 (Constantinopolis).

RIC 92 (VII, Antioch) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPLIS - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No legend Exe: SMAN
- Victory standing left, stepping on galley prow, cradling scepter and resting hand on shield. 330-333 (Antioch). $27 1/22/03.

RIC 93 (VII, Cyzicus) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLI - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: Exe: SMK
- Victory standing left, stepping on galley prow, cradling scepter and resting hand on shield. 331-334 (Cyzicus).

RIC 106 (VIII, Rome) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLIS - Constantinopolis diademed, draped bust right.
Rev: No legend - Pax standing left, holding branch and scepter; P R across fields. c.348 (Rome).

RIC 107 (VII, Cyzicus) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLI - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No legend Exe: •SMK
- Victory standing left, stepping on galley prow, cradling scepter and resting hand on shield. 332-335 (Cyzicus).

RIC 115 (VII, Heraclea) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLI - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No legend Exe: SMH
- Victory standing left, stepping on galley prow, cradling scepter and resting hand on shield. 330-333 (Rome). $2 3/8/03.

RIC 120 (VII, Cyzicus) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLI - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No Legend Exe:
- Victory standing left, stepping on galley prow, cradling scepter and resting hand on shield. 335-336 (Cyzicus). $4 1/6/03.

RIC 120 (VII, Heraclea) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLI - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No legend Exe: •SMH
- Victory standing left, stepping on galley prow, cradling scepter and resting hand on shield.

RIC 125 (VII, Heraclea) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLI - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No legend Exe: •SMH
• - Victory standing left, stepping on galley prow, cradling scepter and resting hand on shield. $3 1/11/03.

RIC 129 (VII, Aquileia) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLIS - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No legend Exe:
- Victory standing left, stepping on galley prow, cradling scepter and resting hand on shield. 334-335 (Aquileia).

RIC 135 (Heraclea) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLI - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No legend Exe: •/•SMH
• - Victory standing left, stepping on galley prow, cradling scepter and resting hand on shield.

RIC 137 (VII, Aquileia) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLIS - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No legend Exe: F/AQ
- Victory standing left, stepping on galley prow, cradling scepter and resting hand on shield. 335-336 (Aquileia).

RIC 157 (Heraclea) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLI - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
- Two soldiers standing either side of a standard.

RIC 188 (VII, Thessalonica) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLIS - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No legend Exe: SMTS
- Victory standing left, stepping on galley prow, cradling scepter and resting hand on shield. 330-333 (Thessalonica).

RIC 196 (VII, Nicomedia) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLI - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No legend Exe: SMN
- Victory standing left, stepping on galley prow, cradling scepter and resting hand on shield. 330-335 (Nicomedia).

RIC 217 (VIII Alexandria), LRBC 1441 AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLI - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No legend Exe: SMAL
- Victory standing left on galley prow, holding spear and shield. 337-340 (Constantinopolis).

RIC 224 (VII, Siscia) AE3 Obv: Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLIS - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No Legend Exe:
SIS - Victory standing left, stepping on galley prow, cradling scepter and resting hand on shield. 330-333 (Siscia). $60 7/1/04.

RIC 241 (VII, Siscia), LRBC 751 AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLIS - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No Legend Exe: •
SIS• - Victory standing left, stepping on galley prow, cradling scepter and resting hand on shield. 334-335 (Siscia).

RIC 251 (VII, Lyons) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLIS - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No legend Exe: 
LG - Victory on prow left. 332 (Lugdunum).

RIC 332 (VII, Rome) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLIS - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No legend Exe: RF
- Victory standing left, stepping on galley prow, cradling scepter and resting hand on shield. 332 (Rome).

RIC 369 (VII, Arles) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLIS - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No legend Exe:
CONST - Victory standing left, stepping on galley prow, cradling scepter and resting hand on shield. 332-333 (Arelate).

RIC 380 (VII, Arles) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLIS - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No legend Exe:
CONST - Victory standing left, stepping on galley prow, cradling scepter and resting hand on shield. 333-334 (Arelate).

RIC 386 (VII, Arles) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLIS - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No legend Exe:
CONST - Victory standing left, stepping on galley prow, cradling scepter and resting hand on shield. 334 (Arelate).

RIC 416 (VII, Arles) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLIS - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No legend Exe: O/
CONST - Victory standing left, stepping on galley prow, cradling scepter and resting hand on shield. 337 (Arelate).

RIC 530 (VII, Trier) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLIS - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No legend Exe: TR
• - Victory standing left, stepping on galley prow, cradling scepter and resting hand on shield. 332-333 (Treveri).

RIC 548 (VII, Trier) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLIS - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No legend Exe: TR
- Victory standing left, stepping on galley prow, cradling scepter and resting hand on shield. 332-333 (Treveri).

RIC 563 (VII, Trier) AE3 Obv: CONSTANTINOPOLIS - Constantinopolis helmeted, laureate bust left, holding scepter over shoulder.
Rev: No legend Exe:
- Victory standing left, stepping on galley prow, cradling scepter and resting hand on shield. 333-334 (Treveri).
AE3 Constantinople Commemoratives (Roma)

RIC 53 (VIII, Nicomedia), LRBC 1151 AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No legend Exe: SMN
- VOT/XX/MVLT/XXX within wreath. 347-348 (Nicomedia).

RIC 56 (VIII, Heraclea), LRBC 960 AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No legend Exe: •SMH
- VOT/XX/MVLT/XXX within wreath. 347-348 (Heraclea).

RIC 62 (VII, Constantinople) AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No legend Exe: CONS
- Wolf standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus; two stars above.

RIC 63 (VII, Alexandria) AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No legend Exe: SMAL
- Wolf standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus; two stars above. [Same as RIC 70]. 330-337 (Alexandria). $3 9/20/03.

RIC 72 (VII, Cyzicus) AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No legend Exe:
- Wolf standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus; two stars above.

RIC 78 (VII, Constantinople) AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No legend Exe: CONS
• - Wolf standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus; two stars above. $18 3/31/03.

RIC 85 (VII, Constantinople) AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No legend Exe: •CONS∈• - Wolf and twins Romulus and Remus, above are two stars. 333-335 (Constantinopolis).

RIC 90 (VII, Cyzicus) AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No legend Exe: SMK
- Wolf and twins Romulus and Remus, above are two stars.

RIC 105 (VII, Cyzicus) AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No legend Exe: •SMK
- Wolf standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus; two stars above. 332-335 (Cyzicus). $5 2/17/03.

RIC 113 (VII, Antioch) AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No legend Exe: SMAN
- Wolf standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus; two stars above. 335-337 (Antioch).

RIC 119 (VII, Nicomedia) AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No legend Exe: •SMN
- Wolf standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus; two stars above. $15 7/12/02.

RIC 119 (VII, Heraclea) AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No legend Exe: •SMH
- Wolf standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus; two stars above. 330-333 (Heraclea).

RIC 124 (VII, Heraclea) AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No legend Exe: •SMH
• - Wolf standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus; two stars above. $3 2/10/03.

RIC 129 (VII, Heraclea) AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No legend Exe: (three stacked dots)/SMH
- Wolf standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus; two stars above. $37 4/10/04.

RIC 134 (VII, Heraclea) AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No legend Exe: ••SMH
• - Wolf standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus; two stars above. 330-333 (Heraclea). $8 10/6/02.

RIC 143 (VII, Heraclea) AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No legend Exe: SMH
- Wolf standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus; two stars above.

RIC 154 (VII, Constantinopolis) AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
• - Two soldiers standing either side of a standard.

RIC 156 (VIII, Heraclea), LRBC 941 AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
- Two soldiers standing either side of a standard. 337-340 (Heraclea).

RIC 195 (VII, Nicomedia) AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No legend Exe: (three stacked dots)/SMN
- Wolf standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus; star on either side of three stacked dots above.

RIC 205 (VII, Nicomedia) AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No legend Exe: SMN
- Wolf standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus; two stars above. 336-337 (Nicomedia).

RIC 222 (VII, Siscia), LRBC 745 AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No Legend Exe:
SIS - Wolf standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus; two stars above. $11 12/14/02.

RIC 229 (VII, Thessalonica) AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No legend Exe: SMTS
- Wolf standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus; two stars above.

RIC 240 (VII, Siscia), LRBC 750 AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No Legend Exe: •
SIS• - She-wolf standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus, two stars above.

RIC 331 (VII, Rome) AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No legend Exe: RF
- Wolf standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus; two stars above. 330 (Rome). $13 2/3/03.

RIC 336 (VII, Aquileia) AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No legend Exe: F/AQ
- Wolf standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus; two stars above. 330 (Rome).

RIC 368 (VII, Arles) AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No legend Exe:
CONST - Wolf standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus; branch above with star on either side.

RIC 373 (VII, Arles) AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No legend Exe:
CONST - Wolf standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus; two stars above.

RIC 385 (VII, Arles) AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No legend Exe:
CONST - Wolf standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus; two stars above.

RIC 542 (VII, Trier) AE3 Obv: VRBSROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust left.
Rev: No legend Exe: TR•
- Wolf standing left, suckling Romulus and Remus; two stars above.

RIC 21 (VIII, Constantinople), LRBC 1066 AE3 Obv: POPROMANVS - Roma laureate, draped bust left, holding cornucopia.
Rev: No legend Exe: CONS/
- Bridge. 330 (Constantinopolis).

RIC 22 (VIII, Constantinople), LRBC 1067 AE3 Obv: POPROMANVS - Roma laureate, draped bust left, holding cornucopia.
Rev: No legend Exe: CONS
- Wreath, star within (below mintmark). 330 (Constantinopolis).

RIC 22 (VII, Constantinople), LRBC 1067 AE3 Obv: POPROMANVS - Laureate, draped bust left holding cornucopia.
Rev: No Legend - Exe: CONS
- Wreath, star within (above mintmark). $165 5/27/02.

RIC 104 (VIII, Rome), LRBC 611 AE3 Obv: ROMA - Roma helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: No legend - Roma standing left, holding spear and resting hand on shield; P R across fields. [This rare type is a commemorative along the lines of the Constantinople commemoratives of the previous decade. They were issued jointly under Constans and Constantius II]. c.348 (Rome).

Vagi 2955 AE4 Obv: IOVICONSERVATORI - Jupiter seated left, holding globe and scepter.
/ANT - Victory advancing left, holding wreath and palm branch. c.310 (Antioch). $21 10/25/03.

Vagi 2960 AE4 Obv: DEOSANCTOSARAPIDI - Serapis head right, modius atop.
Rev: SANCTONILO Exe: ALE - Nilus laying right, holding reed and cornucopia. c.310 (Alexandria).

Vagi 2960 AE4 Obv: DEOSANCTOSARAPIDI - Serapis head right, modius atop.
Rev: SANCTONILO Exe: Γ/ALE - Nilus laying right, holding reed and cornucopia. c.310 (Alexandria).

Vagi 3390 AE3 Obv: ISISFARIA - Draped bust left, holding sistrum and fruit basket.
Rev: VOTAPPVBLICA - Isis seated facing, holding Horus.

Vagi 3390 AE3 Obv: ISISFARIA - Isis diademed, draped bust right.
Rev: VOTAPPVBLICA - Isis riding chariot pulled by two mules left, holding sistrum.

CNG E-Auction 118 #236 AE3 Obv: No legend - Tyche of Antioch draped bust right.
Rev: No legend - Apollo standing left, holding patera and lyre. [Semi autonomous issue under Maximinus II, see 'The last civic coinages and the religious policy of Maximinus Daza', J. van Heesch]. c.312 (Antioch).

Unlisted AE4 Obv: GENIOANTOCHENI - Genius of Antioch seated, facing; Orontes swimming below.
/SMA - Apollo standing left, holding patera and lyre. [Semi autonomous issue under Maximinus II, see 'The last civic coinages and the religious policy of Maximinus Daza', J. van Heesch]. c.312 (Antioch).
AE Exagium

NAC 29 #663 AE3 Obv: DDDNNNGGG - Three diademed, draped and cuirassed busts facing.
Rev: EXAGIVMSOLIDI - Tyche of Antioch seated, facing; Orontes below, swimming left. [An exagium was not struck for currency but rather as a reference to test against Solidi being minted to ensure proper weight]. c.402-410 (Antioch).